Shrewsbury LibraryPlease contact Penelope Weiss: pw9@earthlink.net or Joan Aleshire: joanaleshire@vermontel.net
Please contact Penelope Weiss: pw9@earthlink.net or Joan Aleshire: joanaleshire@vermontel.net
SHREWSBURY DAY is Sunday September 15 from 10am to 3pm See the Septemeber issue of the Times for information.
Friday, September 20th @ 7 pm at the Shrewsbury Community Church BECKI BATES will talk about her recent visit to Israel, meeting with Israeli and Palestinian advocates for peace.
Saturday, September 21st 9 am to 2 pm: LIBRARY BOOK SALE! Donations - We welcome books, DVDs and CDs in good condition. Please wait until SEPTEMBER 2nd to donate books, […]
Sunday, September 22nd @ 2 pm: TECH OPEN HOUSE! Members of the Library Communications Committee will demonstrate the Library’s new technologies. Please see the article in the September issue of […]
Contact Margery Salmon (salmonm@vermontel.net)